Personal Projects/Experiments

Jun 2023
Ruby-Webassembly Pacman Game

Html5 Canvas Game running Ruby code on the browser
CRuby 3.2 was released with the ability to run Ruby in the browser so I decided to give it a try.

Oct 2020
Hexa (Ruby, Rack, Sequel, Graphql)

Backend Api Template Project.
A set of tools organized on an hexagonal-architecture which I've crated as an alternative to Rails

Feb 2020
Supermarket Discount Rules (Rspec/Ruby)

This project implements a flexible solution to the problem of offering multiple discount rules on a supermarket. If you follow the commits you can see how it was built. In particular you can see the usage of `TDD`, `Refactoring` and `Design-Patterns` applied.

Oct 2019
TODO App (BackboneJs + Rails)

This application is composed of two different projects backend and fronted.
Backend is a Rails 4 app which exposes a simple API to manage list of tasks.
Frontend is a backbone app which consumes the rails API.
This application was built with no previous knowledge of backbone-js. It was just to experiment new technologies.

Oct 2016
Task Logger (Ruby + Rspec)

Task logger is a simple console app for loggin your daily work.
It was developed using TDD, splitting code responsiblities into IO-interactor objects and UI program and Core functionality.
Core objects were tested first moking the interaction with collaborators.
That revealed the interface that IO objects should met.
This app interacts with external API as an IO device, and File storage as another IO device

Open Source Contributions

October 2020

A community for mental health experience sharing

Rails/Rspec React/ReactTestingLibrary

October 2020
Vim Colorschemes

List of hundreds of vim color scheme repositories

Typescript/React Mongodb gatsby

Jan 2019

Forem is open source software for building communities.


October 2015
Backend Birra

Backend Rails


September 2023
Ruby on Wasm

Public talk at local Ruby meetup group

Talked about web assembly origins, the impact is making in others languages and what Ruby is doing to adopt this technology

Blog Posts

May 2021
Avoid nil propagation
Apr 2021
Rails Dependent Destroy
April 2021
Join vs includes vs eager load vs preload
May 2021
Ruby Money & BigDecimal
February 2020
Choosing a Storage Strategy
January 2020
A simple SOLID object-oriented solution example.
January 2020
Dealing with untestable code
December 2019
Ruby Bit Manipulation
June 2019
A TDD Example
July 2018
Vim practical example